Vienna/Oakton Wellbeing

Vienna/Oakton Wellbeing


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Teacher Wants to Erase Student Meal Debt

VA Bill H-1967: School meals; availability at no cost to the student

Student meals

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Reston Association Chooses New CEO

One-on-one interview with Mac Cummins, AICP

One-on-one interview with Mac Cummins, AICP

Green Rollback May Hit Blue Wall

Republican efforts to undo environmental laws to face opposition in Democratic-led Senate.

Environmental laws

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Against the Invasion in Vienna

Female scout from BSA Troop 1983 battles invasive plants for her Eagle project.

Invasive plants

Can Mentally Challenging Games Prevent Cognitive Decline?

Consistent brain fitness connected to improved memory, reasoning and processing.

Can Mentally Challenging Games Prevent Cognitive Decline?

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Greenheart Juice Shop Opens in Vienna

Healthy juices, foods and attitudes highlight the new place along the bike trail.

Greenheart Juice Shop

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Teacher Vaccinations Begin in Fairfax County

In accordance with State and local Health department groupings, teachers and school staff in Phase 1b began receiving vaccinations on Monday, Jan. 11.

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Are Hospitals in Northern Virginia Ready?

Projections show a critical lack of hospital beds and ICU beds.

Northern Virginia’s health care system could be overwhelmed by an influx of patients infected with the novel coronavirus, according to an assessment from the Harvard Global Health Institute. The projections show hospitals in Fairfax, Arlington and Alexandria could quickly fill their available beds with patients, forcing administrators to either expand capacity or make the kind of life-and-death decisions about care that Italy has been forced into by the crisis.

Report Shows Geographic Disparities in Health in Virginia


Waging War Against Silent Disease

Vienna’s Colour Bar Studio raises money to support NatCapLyme.

Raising funds for Lyme Disease

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Alternative House Becomes Second Story

Youth homeless initiative has new name; keeps focus on positive impact.

Alternative House Becomes Second Story

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Ayr Hill Garden Club Meets, Welcomes Guests

Ayr Hill Garden Club Meets, Welcomes Guests

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Vienna: ’Dignity Act’ Goes to Richmond

Nonprofit BRAWS brings their case before General Assembly members.

Bringing Resources to Aid Women’s Shelters, a 501(c)3 non-profit - led by founder Holly Siebold of Vienna. Siebold and several supporters of BRAWS were there to encourage the state delegates and senators to get behind House Bill 1593, calling for the repeal of taxes on certain feminine hygiene products, as well as toilet paper and adult diapers.

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Opioid Treatment Service Jan. 17

Addiction Help

As you are well aware, the heroin and opioid dependency problem is growing across the nation, the Commonwealth, and our community is not being spared. The CSB has adjusted resources to help meet this critical demand for people seeking treatment; a new program begins soon. We need your help spreading the word about it. The CSB is holding an open forum for anyone who is seeking help for a loved one or knows of someone who might need help.

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Quarterback Promotes ‘Phones Down. Touchdown.’ Initiative

Redskins’ quarterback urges region to put phones down while behind the wheel.

“If I get sacked in a game, I can get back up and move onto the next play — for the most part,” he said. “But when you text and drive, you might not get back up.”